Friday, July 14, 2006

New Diaconate Web Site

Tuesday, 11 July 2006
Letter to Priests and Parishes

Greetings and every blessing
The Diaconate of the Hamilton Diocese has constructed a website with the blessing of Bishop Denis as a point of contact among Deacons and which you are most welcome to view.
The web address is
To keep the Diaconate, and others who visit our website, up to date, we have established a News Page on the site which is updated regularly.
We publish our own news and information and also canvas international Catholic news sites daily for up to date news and information from the Catholic world, with particular reference to Australasia
We would like to extend an invitation to your parish or office to post news and information on this news page
If you would like to use this new publication channel please email:
or This will also help to keep the diaconate up to date.
The site also has a Prayer Request and Intentions page which you may care to use, where people can request prayers: and to which the Diaconate responds daily. We also present Prayers of the Faithful midweek for the following Sunday and pieces of interest titled "Why do Catholics" based upon Catholic doctrine or customs or tradition.
Please be assured of our prayers and good wishes.

Sincerely in Christ.

Deacon M J Ryan

Deacon Mike Ryan
Hamilton Diocesan Diaconate Office
E mail:
Phone 07 348 53 74
Fax 07 349 60 60
Cell phone 027 2966 966