Friday, September 25, 2009

Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 27 Sept 2009

My dear Parishioners and all Visitors,

Today's Gospel of Mark illustrates the symbolic nature of Jesus' teachings. By using shocking examples (cutting off one's feet, plucking out of eyes)--Jesus was ramming home a significant truth.
Eliminating sin from one's life requires drastic measures ----often it requires painful choices and life- changing action.

Sin is not simply a problem of behaviour. Sin separates us from God, others and our truest self---in short, sin is an offence against our Creator God and must be taken seriously. In this day and age, sin is regarded as a bit out-dated and totally at odds with modern society where "anything goes" and to behave sinfully is "not so bad!" To walk in the way of the Lord can be difficult.

Let us ask ourselves “where do I see the effects of sin in my life and in our world. Am I willing to change with God's help"?

May God Bless each and everyone of you,
Father Joseph.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. September 20th. 2009

My dear Parishioners and all Visitors,

In today's Gospel we see a turning point in Jesus' Ministry. He is moving to Jerusalem and to the Cross and death.
His message had to be written in the hearts of His Disciples so that before He physically left this world, at least they would understand who He was and His message of salvation.for humankind.
The Disciples could not comprehend the triumph of the Cross nor the glory of the Resurrection even though Jesus had spoken plainly,---- they did not take in what they did not wish to see Jesus rebuked them for their preoccupation with earthly power---, they were way off the mark---they needed to be as little children trusting and dependent on God's love.and providence.
Today, Jesus asks us to develop the child like quality of dependence on God in the way we live. We all cling to our independence, seeking to be great and strong---"in control" of our lives. It is only when we acknowledge our total need of God and the loving care of those around us that we can take the first steps on the way to becoming truly "great"
in the Lord's service.

May God Bless each and everyone of you,

Father Joseph..

Monday, September 14, 2009

Celebrating . . .

. . . the Nativity of Our Lady . . .

and the 10th Anniversary of St Matthew's Parish's Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.

Sunday 13th September 2009.
with Spiritual Bouquet offerings . . .

. . . and a celebratory Birthday Cake with the Bishop!

(Watch out for the Picture gallery)