Thursday, January 22, 2009

Saint Matthew's SVDP Conference Retreat Day:

Saint Matthew's SVDP Conference Retreat

We are having a retreat day on Saturday the 28th of February 2008 to pray, reflect, and discuss about things related to the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.

In the back lounge of Saint Matthew's Catholic Church.

Who is leading the Retreat?
Sister Eleni, the Spiritual Director of our Society's Hamilton Area Council. She has so kindly given her time to lead us in our retreat this year. Thank you Sister:).

What time?
Starting with Mass at 9am and finishes at 3pm.

Who is invited?
All of the Conference of Saint Matthew's SVDP, with anyone else from our parish or who is interested in coming.

What to bring?
Yourself, a Bible, a pen and paper, and a plate of food for a pot-luck lunch.

Saint Matthew's SVDP Conference President Contact 856 9334 or 021 025 80 480